Te Matatini waka remains steady with reappointment of Tā Herewini ParataTe Matatini Te Manahautū | Chief Executive Carl Ross is pleased to advise the re-appointment of Tā Herewini Parata as Heamana |...
Te Mauri o Te Matatini arrives in north TaranakiThe two mauri stones of Te Matatini were carefully delivered from South Taranaki to North Taranaki settling at Te Upoko o te Whenua Marae...
TE MATAKŌRERO - PĀNUI TEKAU MĀ WARUTēnā koutou katoa I’m pleased to share with you our latest Matakōrero. It’s full of important information about Te Matatini o Te Kāhui...
Angitu and Te Iti Kahurangi performers attend Shanghai Tourism FestivalShanghai Tourism Festival Organising Committee invited Aotearoa to be part of the 2024 Shanghai Tourism Festival, including participation...
Te Whānau ā Apanui join Festival of Pacific Arts delegation to HawaiiTe Matatini Festival 2023 winners, were part of the 100 artists and performers representing Aotearoa at the Festival of Pacific Arts...
Kapa Haka ActivationOn Thursday 19 September, Te Whanganui-ā-Tara saw its very first Mahuru Festival take shape thanks to the Welllington Māori Cultural...
Taking back the mana of haka!Te Matatini proudly supported HAKA - Stand as a Nation, held on Sunday 29 September at Eden Park, Auckland. There was a call to the...